Following a New Script- November 2022

 Feeling Our Way through a Minefield of Emotions I don’t know about you, but I sometimes I think my feelings and emotions are like this old telephone exchange.  I’ve got all the right wires, but somehow, a few wires have got crossed, some cables are plugged into the wrong sockets, and some of the network … Read more

Enjoying God – September 2022

As I write these words it’s the Feast of Lammas – the celebration of the first ripe wheat.  Amazingly, it coincides with the first ship full of grain able to leave Ukraine through the Black Sea to those desperate for food in the Near East! What Should We Expect as the Harvest of our Belief? … Read more

Every Believer a Gospel Sharer – July 2022

What was Jesus’ Top Commission for Us? “Then Jesus said, “Go into the world.  Go everywhere and share the message of God’s good news to one and all.  Whoever believes and is baptised will be saved….”” (Mark 16.15-16 Message Bible). Beyond any other task, Jesus charges us to tell people about the incredible things that … Read more