Re-opening of the Churches

Dear Everyone,

The long wait for the end of the Covid 19 pandemic restrictions will be over in June this year. As part of the ‘Return to Normal’ we have decided to re-open our churches for worship from Sunday 7th March 2021.

We will be holding one service in each church in the team on Sunday mornings at the usual worship times of 10.00 a.m.  at Lowton St. Luke’s, 10.30 a.m.  at Lowton St. Mary’s and 10.30 a.m.  at Golborne St. Thomas’.  We will also be opening for weekday services from Wednesday 10th March at St. Luke’s with worship at 10.00 a.m. , and on Thursday 11th March for worship at St. Thomas’ at 9.30 a.m.  and St. Mary’s at 10.30 a.m. .

The worship at 8.30 a.m.  and 6.30 p.m.  on Sundays will still not take place until the final removal of restrictions planned for June 2021.

Weddings, baptisms and funerals will be held in accordance with current lockdown advice and this will change as the national guidelines change.

Holy Week will be commemorated in a slightly different way this year. There will be a Holy Communion service at St. LUKE’S on the Tuesday of Holy Week at 7.30 p.m. , Stations of the Cross at St. MARY’S on the Wednesday of Holy Week at 7.30 p.m.  and Holy Communion at St. THOMAS’ on Maundy Thursday at 7.30 p.m. . We will also be holding a socially distanced and informal Walk of Witness from St. Mary’s via St. Luke’s to St. Thomas’ on Good Friday, beginning at 11.00 a.m.  at St. Mary’s. We won’t be entering each church, just holding a short prayer outside each one. Easter Day services will be at the usual Sunday worship times but with no sunrise or 8.30 a.m.  services this year.

From 7 March there will be a leaflet at the back of each church in the team explaining when worship will take place in March as this decision has been made after the magazines went to print.

Thank you and God Bless from the Ministry Team.


Bible Study on Zoom

Bible Study on Zoom   Dear Everybody   There were 32 at the last Study Time: and what a lovely crowd. I’m sure it would work better if we broke into smaller groups of about 12. Next week, I‘d like to offer 3 different times.   • Wednesday afternoon at 2 p.m. • Wednesday evening …

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Revd. Jonathan’s Letter

  Dear All, Happy New Year to everyone! Do you remember that famous film footage of Her Majesty the Queen standing at a dinner in the Guildhall in London and saying in her speech that 1992 had been her ‘Annus Horibilis’? The Queen said the second word ‘Horibilis’ very slowly and with real determination. 1992 …

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