A Place of Friendship

Time is whizzing past! It’s Trinity already.  Where did the rest of the year go?

The Community and Fusing together of the Trinity

This is a symbol for the Trinity.  It’s made up of the three leaves created by one continuous line, and the circle of eternity woven into the leaves.  For me, these Trinity symbols also seem to be showing an interweaving of the parts; or even a melting together of individual pieces into one – a lovely way to depict the interrelationship of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost – the best and most intimate friendship of all!  This is the ultimate picture of our friendship and fellowship together.

Reckoning the Blessing from the Pandemic

Through the dark period which we are now slowly emerging from, we have much to thank the Lord for.  Church Team members are regularly sharing new experiences and dimensions which have blessed them during the Pandemic.

It’s been a joy to see so many new people turning up at our services over the last year; and an even greater joy to watch how Christians in the Team welcome them, and make them feel at home.  This is the next stage of our mission – pure and simple friendship; care and comfort, leaving people with the feeling “I’m so glad I came to this church today – I think I’ll come again.”

How does God see St. Luke’s, St. Mary’s and St Thomas’?

It’s so easy, and perhaps even lazy thinking, to hold on to a deficit narrative about church – pointing out the faults, outlining the shortcomings, and listing what’s missing. Remember, when Jesus looked at Simon the fisherman, He didn’t see his shortcomings, his clumsiness, his arguing back, his denials – the Lord called him Cephas – Rocky – He could see the solid foundation that Simon would be, not what he lacked!  The Lord has a vison for our churches too, beyond our superficial pessimism!

Slowly Pulling open an Old Door to Reveal a beautiful Garden

Over the two and half years I’ve been in the Lowton and Golborne Team, it’s been like slowly pulling open an old door to reveal a beautiful garden.  All three of the Team churches are full of wonderful people, and exciting opportunities. It makes me feel very positive about the future and where God will lead us next.



Catching the Vision and Working Together

People often ask: “How can God be three persons, but really only one?”  Round about 650AD, Christians started using the Greek word perichoresis to explain this:

 May the closeness of the Trinity be our inspiration.  May we find that precious joining of our hearts.  As we move on, we will share our vison for the future – different perspectives, but never at odds.  Diverse ideas about how to get there, but one single shared purpose and aim.  Congregations as varied as the colours of the rainbow, yet intermingled together in perfect unity.

Unsure?  Remember the Apostle Paul’s promise:

“Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.”    (Ephesians 3.20)
